Mobile Q&A site for your Website

Answerbase has launched a mobile version of its service, so that all websites that create a Q&A site through the Answerbase service will also have a mobile Q&A site as well.   Your users will be able to access your Q&A site’s content and functionality from any mobile phone browser including on the popular iPhone and Android mobile devices. Users have the ability to ask questions and get the relevant answers to those questions through an easy to use mobile site, specifically designed for mobile browsing. This keeps your users connected and active on your Q&A community wherever they are.

To access the mobile version of the website, all you need to do is setup a Q&A site through Answerbase…and when you or your users access the Q&A community through a mobile browser they will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the site.  They will have the option to switch back to the standard version, to give them the most positive user experience possible as they are interacting with your Q&A community.