Tag Management Is Now Easier and More Effective

Answerbase provides two different options through which your database of questions and the content of your site are organized: Dynamic Tags and Hierarchical Categories.  For those of you that have chosen to use Dynamic Tags, we have exciting news!   Answerbase has recently released an update that will allow Administrators and Moderators a way to better and more effectively manage their tags.

Answerbase has now given you the ability to take tags that are synonyms or misspellings of existing tags and merge them with the tag that they should be with.  Since many tags are often user-generated, as your site grows, your “tag list” can begin to get lengthy due to users carelessly misspelling words or not taking the time to choose a closely associated tag.  This problem can now be quickly remedied with this new ability to moderate and merge!

To take advantage of this new feature, simply click on the “Tags” link at the top of your Administrative interface, and then select the tag that has a synonym or misspelling of it.  In the box beside “Manage Synonyms and Misspellings”, begin to type the tag that you want to merge with this, and Answerbase will suggest similar tags.  Select the tag that you want, and then click “Add Synonym or Misspelling”.  If you find it easier to perform this task by starting with the synonym or misspelling, then on the same page at the bottom, you will find “Is this tag a synonym or misspelling of another word?” In the box beside this text, type the tag that you want to merge this tag with and click “Save”.

By taking advantage of this new feature, it will make the information on your site more organized and effectively accessed by you and your users; we hope you take advantage of it and enjoy its benefits!