Answerbase Implements User Approval Functionality

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.”  -Pat Riley

Here at Answerbase we are committed to continually improving our product to better meet the needs of our clients. We love getting suggestions on how our Q&A systems can be improved to give your users a higher quality experience. So please reach out to us when you have an idea for a new feature or an adjustment.

Today we have an exciting new feature update to share with you.

User Approval Functionality

Site administrators can now choose to give users access to the Q&A system automatically or manually through moderation. This function stems from the recently introduced private communities functionality should administrators need to manually select users to be able to act in the community. User approval functionality is also available on public sites. This opens up the possibility to manually charge for membership to a community.

You can find the new user approval setting in the “account settings” area of the admin site under the “featured preferences.”

Implementing this function for your Q&A site is easy.

1. Change setting to “manually grant newly registered users access to the system during moderation.”

2. Users go to new confirmation page, communicating that they will be reviewed.

3. Administrators receive notification that users need to be moderated. By default, check box will be checked so the admin can easily approve a lengthy list of new users.

4. If the box is checked and admin moderates, it will change the access setting so the user is granted access. If the admin does not grant access the admin can deem the user moderated and the user will be removed from the queue.

5. When an admin gives a new user access in the admin area, through an “account” tab on a user’s profile, the user will be sent an email letting him or her know he or she was granted access to the system. This includes a login link. If user is not approved, he or she does not receive a notification email.

We look forward to hearing about how you plan to utilize the new user approval functionality is utilized on your Q&A site. Leave a comment or get in touch with us here.