Answerbase Comm100 Live Chat Integration
Bolster the value of product questions and answers by integrating with Comm100's ecommerce live chat and ticketing solutions.
Engage Visitors and Convert Them Into Customers
Comm100 live chat on your ecommerce site along with Answerbase within your product details and product category pages engages your customers across your entire shopping experience to get their product answers and convert to a customer instead of bouncing.
Sitewide Live Chat

Comm100 live chat & automated bot enables users to easily engage with your online support agents throughout your entire ecommerce shopping experience.
Product Page Q&A

Answerbase product questions and answers integrates seamlessly into your product pages, allowing users to ask their product-specific questions and get instant answers to convert.
Product Category Page Q&A

Integrate Q&A into your product category pages, allowing your customers to engage to ask questions which will lead them to the most appropriate product for their needs.
Automate the Answering of Customer Questions
Up to 80% of visitor questions can be answered automatically through the combination of Comm100's bot and Answerbase's ability to autosuggest answers from previously answered questions and product information.
Comm100 Bots & Automation
It’s the ability to understand not just the words but the intent behind them is what effectively services ecommerce customers and leads them to convert new sales. Comm100 AI-powered chat uses the most advanced NLP engine available to deliver reliable, accurate, and proven results.

Answers Common Product Questions
Customers that engage with Answerbase’s product questions and answers will have their questions answered immediately when the question has been answered before or when you’re product information and specifications already contains the information they’re looking for.

Automatically Answers Questions with Your Product Information
Our solution will identify when your customer is asking a question about information that you've already provided in your product details and specifications, and answer their questions immediately with that information.

Answerbase increases purchases for certain products and increases sales. It also reduces costs because a lot of questions are very similar, and a customer may find that an answer to a question addresses their questions.
Customers Choose their Preferred Communication Channel
Give your visitors the option on how they'd like to receive their answers, where as they're engaging with product Q&A they can choose whether they'd like to post a product question or engage with a chat representative when one is available.

Integrates with Comm100 Ticketing Platform
Questions that customers post to Answerbase Product Q&A can easily be routed to Comm100's ticketing support platform, ensuring that each inquiry is being managed through the most appropriate channel.

Supporting Customers Asking Questions on Google
Customers looking to purchase products are asking questions every day on Google as they look to find product information, your product related questions should be published in a way that effectively supports that audience and drives them to convert on your site.

Answerbase has doubled the overall traffic to our ecommerce site, and increased our organic search traffic by four times!
Contact Comm100 today to talk about ecommerce live chat and ticketing solutions.
Schedule an Answerbase demo to see what ecommerce product Q&A can do for your online store.