Headless Product Questions & Answers
Utilize Answerbase’s product questions and answers platform to engage your ecommerce visitors and verified purchasers to create valuable product content for your online store. Answerbase provides a robust headless product Q&A community API for your developers to seamlessly integrate questions and answers into your product pages while you can take advantage of an extensive set of content and community administration tools.
Answerbase’s product Q&A API is organized basing on principles of Representational State Transfer (REST). All the methods are invoked via an HTTP Request implementing HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs and are answered by appropriate HTTP Status code and (when required) a result as either JSON or XML.
Available API methods include:
- Post new product questions and answers
- Get existing product questions and answers
- Post/get content reviews and ratings
- Search product question and answer content
- Get product expert profiles and expert lists
…and many more!

Headless Product Q&A Community
Answerbase’s headless community API empowers you to expand product questions and answers beyond your product page and support a community portal, where verified purchasers, product evangelists, partners, and staff can browse and search product related content, answer questions, edit their community profiles and manage account settings. Give your community and content a home on your site that spawns healthy community engagement and provides the most effective SEO benefits for your content.
Available API methods include:
- Post/get community questions and answers
- Post/get community articles
- Post/get community documents
- Post/get content images & attachments
- Post/get content reviews and ratings
- Browse and search community content
- Get/update community member account information
- Get/update community member activity & engagement
…and many more!
Customer Community Profiles & Accounts API
Seamlessly integrate your product Q&A community within your store’s existing user accounts and/or profiles. Answerbase powers community engagement and content but allows you to seamlessly integrate your member’s content, profiles, and account settings into your existing profile/account pages.
Available user account and profile management API methods include:
- Get product experts lists
- Get featured product experts lists
- Get/update product expert reputation points
- Get/update experts product subscriptions
- Get/update product experts content subscriptions
- Create/update product expert accounts
- Create/update product experts profiles & images
- Get/update product experts account preferences
- Get/update product expert notification settings
- Get/update product experts permissions
- Get/update product experts reputation points and ranking
- Get/update product experts badges
- Get product experts areas of expertise
- Search and browse product Q&A community members

Moderation and Administration
Answerbase enables you to power your product question and answer content and community with Answerbase’s robust headless API while ensuring that you have all the necessary tools to manage that through a robust administration site. You can effectively manage and maintain your community platform through the administration portal with capabilities that include:
- Automated abuse and spam recognition & mitigation
- Profanity recognition and filters
- Community reporting of content
- Moderation and review of content and users
- Community & content analytics and reporting
- Customization and configuration settings
Start a Free Trial today to review our product questions & answers community API documentation and get started.

We find that after answering a customer question with an answer that confirms the product is a good fit we generally see an order approximately 75% of the time.