Product Description Generator that Drives Conversions & Search Traffic
Answerbase analyzes competitors who provide the same (or similar) products to your own and feeds you with the product information that customers are looking for when they are shopping for those products. We will feed you with the questions that are being asked about the products your selling, both on your competitor sites as well as your own. This ensures that you’re hitting the nail on the head with the information that customers actually want, so you can reduce bounces and increase conversions on your site.
We feed you the product information that customers are looking for most
Answerbase will analyze your competitors sites and identify the product information that customers are looking for related to the products that you’re selling. Answerbase feeds you with these product questions that customers are asking so you can ensure you’re product descriptions, specifications, and details cover that information.
Answerbase can also give you the ability to fulfill the customer information demand as product Q&A content to answer the question and also be an SEO boost for your site to address similar questions being asked through Google and other search engines.

We find that after answering a customer question with an answer that confirms the product is a good fit we generally see an order approximately 75% of the time.
How does generating better product descriptions help SEO?
Customers are trying to find information when they’re on your product pages, but similar customers are asking those same product questions on Google!

As you make sure that your product descriptions are fulfilling the customer’s demand for information about a product, if you’re publishing that content in the right way it will also lead users who are asking similar questions on Google (and other search engines) to your site.

Answerbase has doubled the overall traffic to our ecommerce site, and increased our organic search traffic by four times!
Schedule a demo with one of our product specialists today to walk you through how Answerbase can help generate product descriptions which will increase your conversions and drive more traffic to your site!