Question & Answer Software
Having the right question and answer software for your business has never been important for business efficiencies, people-first helpful content SEO, and conversion optimization. Answerbase’s AI-Enhanced Q&A platform ensures that your business can create and distribute helpful content in a way that drives measurable value. Choose the Q&A solution that best fits the needs of your business

The idea was to support the growth of Workana without implying a great growth in the level of questions to our support team. We found that Answerbase was very simple to use and administrate. It has good tools to moderate and measure results. It is easy to integrate and has all the necessary tools.
Question & Answer Software Integrated Seamlessly Into Your Online Properties
Answerbase’s question and answer software and APIs empowers businesses to effectively engage your audience right within your own pages with robust Q&A capabilities and content. Distribute rich functionality and content throughout your property, to ensure they can ask their questions and get answers as efficiently as possible.
Answerbase’s platform can search through information both within your pages and the Q&A knowledge base to ensure answers are automatically addressed when possible and then new questions are distributed efficiently to the most qualified resource to answer.