How Q&A Content Grows Organic Search Traffic

Adding the right Q&A capabilities to your site will naturally engage your visitors in a helpful way, while creating valuable content that grows your organic search engine traffic in the process. See how Q&A can increase the amount of new search visitors that come to your website every month and how they get exposed to your site, product, and services.

Answerbase has doubled the overall traffic to our ecommerce site, and increased our organic search traffic by four times!
Ron D

How Much Organic Traffic Can Q&A Content Attract?

We recently announced some official organic traffic growth statistics (“free” traffic coming from search engines), showing some pretty dramatic growth in the number of new visitors our clients are getting to their online presence as users find their Q&A content through search engines.

  • One of our customers experienced an average of 32% organic traffic growth month over month for a period of 12 straight months, clearly showing Answerbase’s ability to consistently attract visitors from search engines.
  • Another client experienced an average of 19% organic traffic growth PER WEEK for the first two months after launch, showing how quickly you can attract search engine traffic in even a short period of time.
  • Some systems getting up to an average of 36 unique visitors per month for every question posted, encouraging given the fact that questions are user generated, not requiring you to hire writers or editors.

Take a look at the graph below, representing an Analytics snapshot of search engine traffic growth from an Answerbase customer. You can see that the Q&A system consistently grows organic traffic over the period of a year, as more and more questions are asked relevant to what people are searching for online.

Q&A Site Search Engine Growth Chart

Why is Q&A the Best Tool to Grow Search Engine Traffic?

There’s a large increase in the search volume of question queries, where users are actually searching in the form of questions which leads to organic traffic growth on Q&A systems. That trend is making Q&A content very relevant for those search results, and in turn bringing impressive results to companies who integrate an Answerbase Q&A platform into their website.

Take a look at the following data shared by SEOMOZ showing the increase in the number of people searching by typing in questions rather than generic keyword searches.

Q&A Search Engine Keywords Growth

Your target market is inquiring on search engines with the same questions you're likely answering every day through forms on your website, so engage our audience in the most productive way by answering those questions and getting that content to work for you through organic traffic growth. This is a great way to grow traffic and positively impact your ecommerce seo

How do I add Q&A to my site?

You can add Q&A capabilities through Answerbase in just a few minutes and use our widget builders to easily integrate into your site. Those widgets will lead users to ask questions to your Q&A knowledge base, and start drawing relevant search traffic back to your site.

Add a Q&A platform to your site in just a few minutes, and start attracting new visitors from search engines today.